Saturday Morning Brunches

Sharing food with others, especially those that we care for, is an important, relaxing and meaningful experience to enjoy. This last fall we started a sudo-ritual of making Saturday morning "brunches" together. You can check out our weekend creations here; maybe it will give you some ideas, whether you have a large, normal, or tiny kitchen!

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013


- Whole-Wheaty Vegan Banana Bread, lightly toasted with butter
- Pan-fried apples with cinnamon and melted butter
- Scrambled eggs
- French press coffee

Saturday, February 16th, 2013


- Whole-Wheat pancakes, topped with warmed banana and real maple syrup
- Sauteed sweet potato, broccoli, zucchini, onion, garlic, salt, pepper mixed with pesto
 - Scrambled eggs mixed with Laughing Cow cheese, salt, and pepper
- French press coffee

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

- Sauteed sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, salt, and pepper
- Two-egg omelet filled with sauteed onions, greens, broccoli, and cheddar cheese
 - Topped with spicy green salsa
- French press coffee

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

- Grilled sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, collard greens, and broccoli, seasoned with pesto, salt, and pepper
- Fried eggs, over-easy
- One half bagel, french toast style
- Pan-fried spiced apples and bananas with melted butter
 - Topped with apricot jam, eucalyptus honey, and maple syrup
- French press coffee

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

*Veggie Omelet* 
- Four eggs, scrambled
- Diced collard and mustard greens
- Diced cherry tomatoes
- Diced onions and garlic
- Shredded cheddar cheese
*Potato & Turkey* 
- Sauteed sweet potatoes
- Onions & garlic
- Shredded turkey breast
- Shredded cheddar cheese

*Persimmon Spice Bread*
(click here for the recipe!) 
- French press coffee

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